Ramakrishna Nistha Ashrama is a religious charitable organization ,inspired by the universal teachings of Bhagvan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa with the commitment to follow the motto Atmano mokshartham Jagat Hitaya Cha” i.e.doing good to the world with a spirit of worship and paving paths for one s own salvation.
For carrying out this motto into practically the under mentioned programmes are; planned to be implemented:
(i) By bringing backward people from the rural areas and exposing them to the mainstream of Indian culture.
(ii)By sending out dedicated workers to rural areas where they impart secular knowledge so as to raise raise them gradually to way status of equality with the rest of the people of India
(iii)To have charitable hospitals,Educational institutes which will carter to do for and the backwar people and extended relief operations in times of need. All this will be done in no spirit of pity, but in a spirit of worship of God
To practice and propagate the universal teachings of Vedanta as preached by Sri Ramakrishna and practically illustrated in his own life and promote religious harmony and Universal brotherhood.
To lookup on man and woman,irrespective of caste,creed,and colour as veritable manifestation of the divine and serve all by administering to their physical intellectual andspiritual needs.
Establishment and management of educational institutions at different places where education will be imparted according to Swami Vivekananda ideals.It will envisage an ideal blending of the heart and the intellect. The education policy of the society will aim at man making and character building education.
Orphanages for underprivileged poor children will be opened where the society will take care for their physical, mental and spiritual evolution and growth.
In the educational institutes and the orphanages the society will envisage a harmonious development head , heart , and hand based on a sound sound moral and religious background. They will be helped to cultivate a deeply religious attitude and a genuine respect for theglorious traditions and culture of their country. They will receive a man making ,characterbuilding education, which was stressed by Swami Vivekananda.
There ligionto which the learner sorinmates will be exposed and which they will be inspired to follow will be theUniversalreligionofwhich Sri Ramakrishna was the living embodiment and Swami Vivekananda was the chief exponent. It is the religion that enables one to seeGodineverybeing.Inadditionto prescribed books students are required to books on ancient Indian History and culture.
For the dissemination of spiritual and cultural ideas of India, the society will hold classes, meetings, public celebrations e.t.c.
Religion is a way of life rather than a set of Dogmas and Vedanta places great importance on actually experiencing the truths for ourselves.Through spiritual practices we try to establish contact with divine reality and then manifest that divine reality in our actions. The society will lay emphasis on carrying Vedanta to the doors of every one so that a teacher could be a better teacher , a student a better student and a clerk a better clerk.
The aim of the society is to preach those truths, which Sri Ramakrishna has for the good of humanity, preached and demonstrated by practical application by practical application
Within U.P society special task will be setting up shrines, meditation halls within very orphanages, and educational institutions and all the other institutions opened by the society, in the name of Sri Ramakrishna.
The society’s ideal of service is different from dry social work. It will be done in a spirit of getting a great privilege that the Lord has given us the opportunityb to serve others. The society will lay an emphasis that the inmates, governing body.(management committee),the General members lifetime members and volunteers who so ever associated with the society will remember that’s serving one single person in all humility and the deep reverence without being prompted by ego and arrogance ,our life becomes blessed. This is with the sum and substance of the dictum “ Serve Jiva as Shiva”.
The society categorically states that the ideals of the society being purely spiritual and humanitarian shall have no connection with politics